134 research outputs found

    Speaking About People of Non-Binary Sex/Gender in Croatian

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    The paper analyzes different language problems connected with speaking about people of non-binary sex/gender in Croatian. Research is based on corpus analysis. One of the authors compiled the Croatian Gender Corpus using the Sketch Engine corpus compiling software for this analysis. The authors analyze these issues connected with speaking about nonbinary people: using nouns of masculine, neutral, or feminine gender; using masculine, neutral, or feminine pronouns and verbal forms; ways of addressing a non-binary person, normative problems noticed in the Croatian Gender Corpus. Some issues are compared to the situation in other languages

    Analys is and Creation of Free Sentiment Analysis Programs

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    This paper analyzes free online programs for sentiment analysis which can, on the bases of their algorithm, give a positive, negative or neutral opinion of a text. At the beginning of the paper sentiment analysis programs and techniques they use such as Naive Bayes and Recurrent Neural Networks are presented. The programs are divided into two categories for analysis. The fi rst category consists of sentiment analysis programs which analyze texts written or copied inside the user interface. The second category consists of programs for analyzing opinions posted on social networks, blogs, and other media sites. Programs from both categories were chosen for this research on the bases of positive reviews on computer science portals and their popularity on web search engin es such as Google and Bing. The accuracy of the programs from the fi rst category was checked by inserting the same sentence from movie reviews and comparing the results. Their additional options have also been analyzed. For the second category of programs, it was determined which social networks, blogs, and other social media they cover on the internet. The purpose of this analysis was to check the overall quality and options that free sentiment analysis programs provide. An example of how to create oneā€™s own custom sentiment analyzer by using the available Python code and libraries found online is also given. Two simple programs were created using Python. The fi rst program belongs to the fi rst category of programs for analyzing an input text. This program serves as a pilot program for Croatian which gives only the basic analysis of sentences. The second program collects recent tweets from Twitter containing certain words and creates a pie chart based on the analysis of the results

    The Process of Creating a C Croatian Gamification Glossary

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    The paper analyses the process of creating a Croatian gamification glossary. Gamification is a relatively new term, and many papers about its implementation and effects are written yearly. Gamification is closely linked to video games, from which it borrows many elements. The evolution of video games as a medium leads to the development of gamification as a process. New terms denoting gamification elements and game types constantly appear. Most of these new terms are not yet defined in lexicographic sources, and some are not translated into other languages, including Croatian. That was the motivation for the creation of the Croatian gamification glossary. It records existing terms and definitions and translates and defines new terms. Creating a glossary is broken down into steps that explain how terms have been selected, categorized, translated, and defined using reliable sources and the corpus created by the author, and how the Glossary is published online. The process of creating the gamification corpus and translating terms is explained in detail. The difficult-to-translate terms and definitions are extracted and highlighted for future research


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    Franjo Tuđman (1922-1999), who participated in the anti-fascist partisan movement from the beginning of the Second World War in Yugoslavia, in his military career, reached the rank of general. However, in 1961 he abandoned the military service, dedicated himself to historiography and became the first director of the newly established Institute of History of the Labor Movement. For his views and papers in which he reflected on some historical events, he came into conflict with the communist authorities who accused him being ā€žnon-Marxistā€ and nationalist. In 1967 he was expelled from the League of Communists and forced to retire. However, he did not stand still thus began his career as dissident ā€“ he was publishing papers on the history of Yugoslavia and Croatian status in the Federation. During the period of Croatian national movement, known as the Croatian Spring, he expressed his views on the Croatian national question in Yugoslavia even more clearly. This led to his arrest, political trial and his conviction to two years in prison in 1972. In 1981 he was sentenced to three years in prison and a ban on every public activity in the period of five years because he gave some interviews to the Western media. Based on so far published court records of the County Court in Zagreb where Tuđman was convicted both times, Tuđman\u27s memoirs and various literature, this article will reconstruct Tuđmanā€™s trials and explain their primary role - to silence any dissident activity and to eliminate alternative view on the history and the national issues within Yugoslavia. The documents from the trials show the pattern of mounted political processes in which the verdict was set in advance. But this case will also show that these political processes had counterfeits significant for the collapse of communism in Croatia

    Komunističko nasljeđe i javni diskurs u Hrvatskoj: primjeri arhivskih zbirka u registru COURAGE

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    This paper aims to explore the role of the archives in dealing with the communist past, that is, in regard to the public debates about the contested archival materials and the problems which researchers have been facing in Croatia over the last two decades. It will inquire into the past practice of Croatian historians in carrying out research on the communist period. The article examines the state of the archives in Croatia, especially with regard to the most critical archival fonds ā€“ the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Croatia (CK SKH) and the files of the State Security Service (SDS) of the Republic Secretariat of Internal Affairs, which are kept in the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb. Since the independence of Croatia, those archival materials have been the subject of many debates in Croatian public and political life. Finally, this article will showcase the practical consequences of the newly adopted legal changes, especially in the case of the Horizon 2020 project ā€œCOURAGE ā€“ Cultural Opposition: Understanding the Cultural Heritage of Dissentā€ (2016-9).Rad govori o problemu javnoga tretmana povijesnoga naslijeđa iz vremena vladavine komunizma te nastoji prikazati ulogu arhiva u suočavanju s komunističkom proÅ”loŔću u Hrvatskoj. Uz prikaz nesuglasja i polemika u Å”iroj javnosti o osjetljivom arhivskom gradivu iz razdoblja socijalizma (1945.-1990.), članak prikazuje probleme s kojima su se istraživači, primarno povjesničari, suočavali prilikom istraživanja u proteklih viÅ”e od dvadeset godina. Prikazani su uvjeti u kojima je istraživano navedeno razdoblje, dostupnost arhivskoga gradiva, ponajprije u vezi s fondovima koji su najčeŔća tema javnih debata ā€“ fond Centralnoga komiteta Saveza komunista Hrvatske (CK SKH) i fond Službe državne sigurnosti (SDS) Republičkoga sekretarijata unutraÅ”njih poslova (RSUP) Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske (SRH), koji su pohranjeni u Hrvatskom državnom arhivu u Zagrebu (HDA). Od osamostaljenja Hrvatske to je arhivsko gradivo bilo tema brojnih rasprava u javnosti, pogotovo u onoj političkoj, čak i na najviÅ”oj razini. Povjesničari su naglaÅ”avali važnost toga gradiva za spoznavanje recentnije hrvatske povijesti, no ono je istodobno bilo koriÅ”teno i u dnevnopolitičkim raspravama, koje su dovodile do stanja tzv. rata dosjeima. U hrvatskim medijima često je spominjano ā€œÄiŔćenjeā€ arhiva, Å”to je najviÅ”e bilo izraženo u tzv. slučaju Perković. Praksa u prvih dvadesetak godina hrvatske samostalnosti pokazala je da su postojale ozbiljne poteÅ”koće u istraživanju socijalističkog razdoblja hrvatske povijesti, prvenstveno zbog nedostupnosti relevantnoga arhivskoga gradiva. PoteÅ”koće su bile posljedica nedostatka političke volje najvažnijih političkih stranaka za ozbiljnim pristupom toj problematici. No, mĆ¼nchensko suđenje (2014.-2016.) nekadaÅ”njim visokopozicioniranim djelatnicima Službe državne sigurnosti Josipu Perkoviću i Zdravku Mustaču pokrenulo je nove političke i druÅ”tvene promjene u pogledu dostupnosti toga gradiva. Uskoro je jedna relativno nova politička stranka Most pokrenula inicijativu za otvaranjem i onih dijelova arhiva koji su dotad bili nedostupni ili čija je dostupnost bila ograničena. Inicijativa je 2017. rezultirala izmjenama Zakona o arhivskom gradivu i arhivima, a u srpnju 2018. donesen je potpuno novi Zakon o arhivskom gradivu i arhivima temeljen na prethodnim promjenama. Prema podatcima Hrvatskoga državnoga arhiva, koriÅ”tenje tih arhivskih fondova drastično je povećano nakon navedenih zakonskih izmjena. Ipak, potpuni utjecaj tih zakonskih promjena vidjet će se tek u budućnosti, odnosno u novim znanstvenim radovima povjesničara i drugih istraživača. Članak je predstavio praktične posljedice primjene tih zakonskih promjena na primjeru rezultata projekta COURAGE: Kulturna opozicija ā€“ razumijevanje kulturne baÅ”tine neslaganja u bivÅ”im socijalističkim državama, koji je u trogodiÅ”njem razdoblju od 2016. do 2019. financirala Europska unija u okviru programa Obzor 2020.</p
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